Ted left for Stewart Island yesterday. He was really looking forward to it, he has left a photo of the hut he and his 3 mates will be staying in, as a
screensaver! Just to remind me where he is! I will post a photo. I hope he has a fabulous time, he really deserves it! It has been a busy year, and quite traumatic for him. His Mum, who has been in Country Lodge for just over a year, here in Te Puke, moved last holidays to
Awhina Mai, a secure Dementia wing at Redwood in
Rotorua. This has been tough for Ted, to have her move to
Rotorua (no space for her in the secure dementia wing in Te Puke at present) and to see the deterioration in her condition. However. we are thankful that Bud (Ted's Mum) has Paul and Tracy (youngest son and daughter-in-law) in Rotorua, and they are just marvellous.
Well, as usual, when Ted goes away I have great plans... some that have been made, and changed already! I thought I might stay downtown after
Tai Chi, Tuesday and Wednesday nights... but after checking out the
accommodation at $90 a night, I gave that idea away! I may not even go to T
ai Chi, it means hanging about till 5.30pm, and I can come home
straight after school, so why not do that?
I thought about doing a room a day springcleaning! There are 11 space in the house, counting passage, back porch, and our open-plan kitchen/dining area/lounge I have counted as 3... but I have gone off that idea overnight!
I have got 3 books to read, and that sound more fun! I am reading Kate de Goldi's "The 10pm Question", absolutely delightful. I will send it to my 13 year old grandson Jahna, to read, when I have finished it. It is truly delightful! Makes me want to be a writer... but have I got time? Or the flair? Ted has got his new Lee Child book to read at Stewart Island, I imagine they may get a few wet days down there!
I am also doing the International Computer Driving Licence course through the local Polytechnic. It is free, a group of us are doing it at school. I jumped in late, got my CD Friday night of Labour weekend, swotted up over the weekend, and sat the first test on Tuesday. I hadn't covered everything, but thought I may as well give it a go, and I got 94%! Amazing! It was the Internet and email... enough said really!
Well, I had better go... I have planning to do for school...